941–1014) based his title on being Emperor of the Scoti, which was in Latin Imperator Scottorum, emperor of the Gaels. The name was altered in Latin (influenced by the word hībernus) as though it meant 'land of winter', although the word for winter began with a long 'i'. Ἰουερνία Iouerníā was a Greek rendering of the Q-Celtic name * Īweriū, from which eventually arose the Irish names Ériu and Éire. The Roman historian Tacitus, in his book Agricola (c. 150 AD), Claudius Ptolemaeus ('Ptolemy') called the island Iouerníā (written Ἰουερνία, where 'ου'/ ou stands for w). 320 BC), Pytheas of Massalia called the island Iérnē (written Ἰέρνη). During his exploration of northwest Europe (c.
The name Hibernia was taken from Greek geographical accounts. Hibernia ( Latin: ) is the Classical Latin name for Ireland.